Animal Rights Foundation Kosovo


Animal Rights Foundation in Kosovo

The Animal Rights Foundation is established in April 2018, in Kosovo, for the purpose of improving the non-human animal welfare, focusing on the legislative aspects of their protection and the dignified promotion of their rights. ARF contributes to the legal and policy-making aspects, aiming to improve animal welfare in Kosovo and to improve the human-animal relationship in general. The organization bases its principles to work for all species of non-human animals, regardless of whether they’re stray, companion, animals in farms, dedicated for experimental activities, sports or wild animals. All deserve a lawful and ethical treatment.

Latest News

On October 8, 2024, a meeting was held between the Prime Minister of Kosovo Mr. Albin Kurti, Minister of MLGA, Mr. Elbert …

  The municipality of Pristina has started work on the capital’s public shelter, starting with catching dogs on the street and placing …

The Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, and Rural Development has approved Administrative Instruction (MAFRD) 27/2024 regarding the technical conditions that animal breeders of …

Our Work

Law analysis and revision


Support in law implementation

Capacity Building and Advising

Awareness raising

Monitoring and inspections

Partners & direct supporters

Even though ARF is a new organization, it has managed to build good relationships with very serious
foreign organizations that work for animal protection for a long time now.

The successful foundation Stumme Brüder based in Liechtenstein, trusted our NGO and financially supports ARF for the legal work (lawyer engagement) and for the institutional work in the capacity of partner development on the non human animal rights empowerment.

Stumme Brüder based in Lichtenstein

PETA opposes speciesism, a human-supremacist worldview, and focuses its attention on the four areas in which the largest numbers of animals suffer the most intensely for the longest periods of time: in laboratories, in the food industry, in the clothing trade, and in the entertainment business. PETA Germany is ARF’s partner since 2020 and we’re honored to have them close to us!


Associazione Trentino con i Balcani Onlus is an Italian organization working in the Balkans since 1999 in the field of decentralized in-community cooperation. It boasts a long-lasting experience of relations and cooperation in the region, working mainly in Serbia and Kosovo, but also in Albania, Montenegro and Bosnia-Herzegovina, in collaboration with CSOs and the broader society. We’re proud to have their support!


BEAR SANCTUARY Prishtina was established to create a safe haven for the so-called ‘restaurant bears’ in Kosovo that were kept in tiny, dilapidated cages next to restaurants for the purpose of attracting customers. FOUR PAWS have rescued all these bears, and thus, ended this cruel form of brown bear abuse in the country for good. Besides, also restaurant bears from Albania found a new, species-appropriate home at the sanctuary. It’s a pleasure to cooperate with BSP for better animal protection in Kosovo!


TIR supports and promotes the further development of law and ethics for the protection of animals and in the relationship between humans and animals both on a national and international level. TIR advocates for the elimination of deficiencies in the animal welfare legislation and strives in particular to ensure the consistent implementation of existing provisions. For this reason, TIR campaigns on a political and legal level for the transfer of correct knowledge and a determined enforcement of the animal welfare provisions. We’re honored to have TIR’s support!

Stiftung für das Tier im Recht (TIR)

As the pan-European animal advocacy organisation, the primary focus of Eurogroup for Animals is to improve the well-being of as many animals as possible and defend animals’ interests. We do this by achieving better legislation, standards, enforcement and societal attitudes, through a united community of animal protection organisations and via lawful means.

As of July 2021, Animal Rights Foundation in Kosovo is a part of Eurogroup For Animals.


One of our most important partners, who guided, supported and advised the Kosovo team to establish the NGO in first place, was the famous Italian organization LAV (Anti-Vivisezione League) together with ATB – Trentino con il Balcani Association. Members of both organizations are co-founders of the Animal Rights Foundation in Kosovo.

LAV (Anti-Vivisezione League)