Animal Rights Foundation Kosovo

In 2021, our organization has made a request to the Government to consider the drafting and approval of an important document so that the situation with stray dogs is treated in a serious and sustainable manner by the institutions of the country, since Kosovo (nor the Municipalities) had no plan or know-how on how to approach the stray dog situation. Although there were and are some legal provisions that have put various obligations and authorizations on the institutions, in order to deal with the situation with stray dogs, the institutions undertook projects that were not well thought out, nor sustainable and without monitoring and evaluating the projects that were being implemented. The projects that were undertaken were not related to treating the source of the problem, but mainly related to castration/sterilization and if some municipalities and veterinarians were ethical enough, they released the dogs in the place where they were caught, as was emphasized since 2017 with the legislation in power (at that time the AI for Temporary Treatment Centers mainly regulated the CNVR method – Catch, neuter, vaccinate, release).

After a long work by our organization and requesting from the Municipalities the contracts given to deal with the issue of stray dogs, and seeing that the state of Kosovo had awarded more than 70 contracts from 2009-2022 throughout Kosovo mainly for CNVR, but since there were also contracts for killing them (through hunters’ associations), shelter, vaccination, identification, for which about 4 million euros of taxpayer money were spent, we have seen it as necessary for the country’s institutions to sit together and agree on the basic lines of their work so that the treatment of stray dogs is done in the most structured and organized way, without results and without being transparent with the public. It was necessary for Kosovo to have a structure approach and coordinate the municipalities among themselves (based on the specific dynamics of their municipalities of the dog population) to lay the first foundations of a stable, humane and effective system for the management and dog population control.

On January 25, 2022, the Prime Minister’s Office has called a meeting on the issue of stray dogs where it had invited all actors involved and relevant to the control of the dog population to the meeting. All institutions have given promises that they will be committed to the maximum in the following years on this issue. In 2022, an official working group was formed by MLGA – Ministry of Local Government Administration to begin drafting the National Strategy as a guiding document for institutions from 2023-2028, while in October 2022 the National Strategy for Population Management was approved, and still today many of the measures of the strategy still remain unimplemented. Despite the fact that most of the competences by law belong to the municipalities, even in the responsibilities of the central level there is a delay regarding this topic:

1. Organization of workshops with municipalities and evaluation (data collection) of the situation on the ground

The Ministry of Local Government Administration (MLGA) and the Food and Veterinary Agency (FVA) must organize workshops with municipalities (at regional levels to coordinate the municipalities among themselves), to inform them and raise the capacities of the municipalities to collect data about the dog population in their territories, and based on this data, help the municipalities in creating Local Plans for the Dog Population Management, since many municipalities only allocate a budget for CNVR, without having any specific plan of what should be achieved by the projects they undertake and no planned work to tackle the problem at its source. If Municipalities invest only to manage current situation (improperly) without dealing with awareness, registration and identification of dogs with keepers (owners), without coordination with the Police to prevent abandonment and without support programs for responsible dog keeping, there will be no improved situation but only projects that address the symptoms of the problem.

2. Advancing the legal framework

The Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Rural Development (MAFRD) has not yet announced the start of the procedures for the Administrative Instructions (AI) for the Responsible Keeping of Dogs and the AI for the control and breeding of the sale of companion animals. Without these two AIs, it is impossible to control the main source of the problem: dogs with keepers (owners).

Despite many requests addressed to the MAFRD by our organization, we still have not received an answer, and we call on the MAFRD to start with the procedures for drafting two AIs, which are the responsibility of the MAFRD, and we expect the Ministry to fulfill its promises for cooperation in this direction, as promised by Minister Peci at the meeting organized by the Prime Minister’s Office on January 25, 2022.

Regarding this point, our organization has been a key actor in the drafting of the AI for the Identification and Registration of Companion Animals, where it is obligatory for the dog keepers to register their dogs as required by the EU for a better control of dogs and cats. This AI was approved in March 2021 by the then Acting Minister, Mr. Besart Mustafa. Together with the FVA, the AI for the breeding and sale of companion animals has also been drafted, which was submitted by the FVA in September 2021 for the MAFRD to start reviewing the AI and approving it.

Our organization has also worked to draft the AI for the responsible keeping of companion animals and which will be submitted to the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development. We are ready to support our institutions with our expertise, but in any case, the main responsibility lies with the MAFRD. The issue of stray dogs should be a priority for the Ministry.

3. Control of owned dogs and control of breeding and sale

FVA is responsible for the control of owned dogs, and must be constantly engaged in control of these dogs, to punish persons for irresponsible keeping and abandonment, and persons who do not register dogs as required by the legislation in force.

On the other hand, since there is no legal basis yet, FVA also has no plans to control the breeding and sale of dogs, but also their import, which is one of the essential measures to reduce the number of dogs on the streets. Our organization will commit to make more inspections and support the FVA as much as possible to inspect more and cooperate with the Police so that the abandonment of dogs is punished.

4. Financial support for municipalities

Many municipalities in Kosovo still do not have any active dog population management projects, mainly due to insufficient funds and lack of know-how to manage the dog population. The relevant ministries from the central level must work with the municipalities, to support them with financial means for the implementation of the strategy measures, because without parallel work from all the municipalities, there can be no effective work in the long-term reduction of the number of dogs in the street.

5. Shelter infrastructure

Many institutions show a tendency (not openly) to use sheltering dogs as the only measure of managing their population since it is an “activity” that can appear as a heroic solution to the citizens and bring votes. The National Strategy does not have the main focus on shelters (although it is a planned measure), as it has been repeatedly proven in other neighboring countries as a failed approach that wastes public money and harms the welfare of dogs without sustainable solutions to address the increase and proliferation of dogs on the street. To read more on this point, we invite you to visit the link:

However, the housing infrastructure must exist, through centers with a small capacity of temporarily housing dogs until their adoption, so that it becomes a permanent work where the welfare of the animals is not compromised due to the lack of human and financial capacities of the municipalities.

The temporary housing of dogs must be accompanied by other measures such as CNVR, control of dogs with owners and control of breeding and sale, education for responsible animal keeping and promotion of adoptions.

Unfortunately, even though more than 1 year has passed since the approval of the strategy, the municipalities are still alone and quite confused in the implementation of measures for the management of the dog population, which is resulting in fund spending and not changing the situation on the ground.

So far, the central level has not been as active as we expected, in carrying out the tasks delegated by the National Strategy, and we expect everyone to engage much more actively, to guide and help the municipalities in the effective and humane management of the population. of dogs.

So far, 18 measures are not being implemented, 8 measures are in progress (planning and partial implementation) and 5 measures have been implemented and are still ongoing.

Measures that are being implemented or implemented by the institutions:

1.1 Establishment of the task force at the central, local/inter-municipal level
1.1.1 Notification of the relevant actors for the establishment of the task force

Several meetings have been held and this process is still ongoing.

2.2 Identification and registration of companion animals:
2.2.1 18,700 microchips were provided for owned dogs
2.2.2 The conclusion of contracts with veterinary entities for I&R of companion animals.
2.2.3 200 microchip readers have been provided and a database for I&R has been created.

As part of the EU project “Support to establishing disease surveillance and control programs and alignment with Chapter 12 of the acquis” microchips and readers have been donated to FVA to carry out the Identification & Registration of dogs free of charge for 1 year. FVA has contracted vets (with a long delay and with the support of the Prime Minister’s Office) for a project for I&R to be provided free of charge to dogs with keepers (owners). In this project, a very small number of castration/sterilization of owned dogs has been offered for free as well, to motivate the castration/sterilization of owned dogs so that they do not reproduce with other dogs. This project has been completed and according to the AI for Identification & Registration, all companion animal owners must register their dogs and cats.

4.2 Support in the treatment of dogs
4.2.3. Capture, neuter, vaccination and release
4.2.5. Euthanasia of sick and aggressive dogs (this is done within the framework of CNVR projects, not with a special project)

CNVR projects are carried out by the following municipalities:

i. Municipality of Pristina (Economic Operator “QTK”, with DVMs Uran Rexhepi, Hasan Limani, Hyzri Ymeri)
ii. Municipality of Mitrovica (Economic Operator XXX with DVM Avni Kadriu)
iii. Municipality of Lipjan (Economic operator “Passion Vet” with DVM XX)
iv. Municipality of Fushë Kosova (Economic Operator “Kida Farm & Vet” with DVM Qendrim Kida)
c. Municipality of Drenas in cooperation with the organization “StrayCoCo” (Economic Operator “City Pet” with DVM Shaban Mehmeti)
vi. Municipality of Skenderaj in cooperation with the organization “StrayCoCo” (Economic Operator XX with DVM Labinot Osmani)
vii. Municipality of Rahovec (Economic Operator XX with DVM Bujar Mustafa)
viii. Municipality of Gjilan (Economic Operator “Monuni” with veterinarian Mehmet Maliqi)
ix. Municipality of Kamenica (Economic Operator “Monuni” with veterinarian Mehmet Maliqi)
x. Ferizaj Municipality (Economic Operator “AV Goni” with veterinarians Agron Pajaziti and Mexhid Haxhimusa)
xi. Municipality of Klina (Economic Operator “A.V. ERA” with DVM Driton Morina)
xii. Municipality of Istog (Economic Operator “XX” with DVM Haki Bytyqi)
xiii. Municipality of Obiliq (Economic Operator “XX” with DVM Uran Rexhepi)
xv. Municipality of Prizren (Economic Operator “” with DVM Fidan Krasniqi)

4.3 Prevention of infectious – zoonotic diseases
4.3.1 Vaccination of dogs against Rabies and parasitic diseases

1-year vaccinations are given to dogs captured for CNVR and dogs with keepers (owners) are vaccinated against rabies at the vets.

5.2 Raising physical capacities for companion animal shelters
5.2.1 Assessment of needs for the establishment of companion animal shelters

These municipalities are planning to build temporary shelters/centers:

1. Municipality of Prizren
2. Municipality of Peja
3. Municipality of Prishtina
4. Municipality of Istog
5. The Municipality of Mitrovica has contracted the Economic Operator that also functions as a shelter center to keep 100 dogs to promote them for 23 days for adoption within the CNVR project.

5.4. Feeding of stray dogs in municipalities
5.4.1. Determining places for feeding points for stray dogs

Only the Municipality of Pristina and the Municipality of Ferizaj have implemented projects for feeding points for stray dogs.

The measures of the Action Plan of the Strategy which are realized and are being realized by our organization:

1.2. Drafting of the local DPM programs based on the National Strategy
1.2.4. Monitoring and evaluation of DPM interventions

We have done this monitoring in the Municipality of Pristina and we still continue to do it. However, depending on the financial capacities for 2024, some surveys of the dynamics of dogs in other municipalities will be carried out. We are also constantly collecting data from municipalities on the projects they are implementing to measure their effectiveness and monitor the situation.

2.1 Advancement of the legislative framework for animal welfare
2.1.1. Expost evaluation of Law No. 02/L-10 For Animal Care
2.1.2. Review of the legislation in force
2.3.1 Creation of policies for breeders of companion animals for keeping and selling
2.3.2 Creation of policies for keeping of dangerous dogs

As for point 2.3.2, the working group has decided this name but it is about the responsible keeping of companion animals to prevent either the dangers from owned dogs and to also set the rules on how to keep companion animals to avoid a cruel life for them both physically and mentally.

3.1 Development of information campaigns

Our organization has initiated an awareness campaign that is still active to inform citizens and the general community about the responsible keeping of companion animals, with a greater focus on dogs.

For more, visit the link with information brochures:

Regarding point 3.1.2 Organization of activities and workshops in primary and secondary schools, for animal welfare and responsible keeping of companion animals – we have signed a Memorandum of Cooperation with MESTI and the Bear Sanctuary prishtina to educate students in schools, but we will inform you about the activities of this point later.

5.5. Control of dog movements in public spaces
5.5.1 Development of specific municipal rules that determine the way dogs are kept in cities and the movement of dogs in public places

A draft regulation has been submitted to the Municipality of Pristina for keeping dogs in public spaces.