COVID-19 and care for companion animals
How to care for animals during the COVID-19 pandemic? On March 11, the World Health Organization declared COVID-19 a global pandemic. While the virus
Animal Rights Foundation Kosovo
How to care for animals during the COVID-19 pandemic? On March 11, the World Health Organization declared COVID-19 a global pandemic. While the virus
Apparently, the biggest risk in Kosovo is not coronavirus (COVID-19). The biggest danger in Kosovo are the kind of people as seen in the video below, who are
Through this reaction we express our deep concern over the statement of the Minister of Health, Mr. Arben Vitia, through which he has instructed citizens
In January 2020, the World Health Organization (WHO) temporarily named the new virus as 2019 novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV). However, on February 11thit was definitively named
We have received direct information from individuals who have attempted to adopt animals and take them to the EU, that at the entrance of their
While KFVA officials remain comfortable in their offices, our organization and many other activists are running left and right to calm and advise citizens when
While the institutions blame each-other, the problem of stray dogs still remains unsolved. Many CNVR projects (collect, neuter, vaccinate, release) initiated by both municipalities and
As temperatures drop, for our four-legged friends who live on the streets, survival becomes much more difficult. Therefore, it is the responsibility of each of
Stray dogs are a part of our community, so it is our duty to take care of them. Projects like the ones in the cities
We are grateful to the staff of EU Office in Kosovo and the Ambassador Mrs. Nataliya Apostolova for having had us today and for having