1 year since the illegal keeping of the lion in Gjilan
Today marks 1 year since the illegal keeping of the lion in the resort “Maja e Zeze” in Gjilan was discovered. Although it was found
Animal Rights Foundation Kosovo
Today marks 1 year since the illegal keeping of the lion in the resort “Maja e Zeze” in Gjilan was discovered. Although it was found
Ever since the first reports on this case, our organization has taken legal action to address the illegally smuggled lion in Kosovo. We have received
It is often the case that villagers in the vicinity of the Prizren region complain about the presence of wildlife in residential areas and near
On 13.01.2020 a team of our organization met with officials of the Ministry of Environment and Spatial Planning (MESP) to get better informed about the
Regarding the case of the smuggled lion in village of Stançiç in Gjilan, seeing that even after a huge backlash and inspection from state officials
The Animal Rights Foundation has made a formal request to the Ministry of Environment and Spatial Planning to find out what measures are being taken
There it is, our bitter reality. A TV show (neither professional nor substantial) aired in Kosovo, that gives very negative examples of animal keeping that
This is unacceptable! The lawyers of the Animal Rights Foundation will review the laws in force and we will act as soon as possible for
Request letter addressed the Ministry of Environment and Spatial Planning and the Kosovo Environmental Protection Agency: Dear officials of MESP and KEPA, I am writing
Request letter addressed the Ministry of Environment and Spatial Planning and the Kosovo Environmental Protection Agency: Dear officials of MESP and KEPA, I am writing