Animal Rights Foundation Kosovo

The Basic Court in Gjakova has sentenced the defendant A.Z. to a fine of 600 EUR, due to the criminal offense of organizing dog fights.

This punishment comes after the denunciation of this criminal offense by our organization in the Basic Prosecutor’s Office in Gjakovë, in which case, after the investigations, the Prosecutor’s Office filed an indictment against the defendant.

Considering the injuries and suffering the animals have suffered in the wars organized by the defendant, our organization is desperate for the sentence which we consider to be quite low, although from the research we have done so far, this remains one of the most severe sentences. high sentences imposed so far for the criminal offense of organizing dog fights.

What remains disturbing is that neither the Prosecutor’s Office nor the Court have deemed it necessary to confiscate the defendant’s dog even though it was requested by our organisation. So far, in all cases of dog fighting for which there are verdicts from the Courts, in no case has any dog been confiscated by law enforcement institutions. This remains a very disturbing phenomenon that endangers dogs extremely, since the same ones can be used again for the same purposes. Successful outcomes of these cases are achieved when dogs are taken from violent and abusive keepers.

On the other hand, Kosovo lacks real shelter infrastructure where confiscated dogs could be housed, and they cannot even be promoted for adoption without going through a period of retraining and socialization with people and other animals without showing aggression. This all means more costs and trained people which neither or organisation nor any other institution has available resources for. However, our organization believes that any temporary solution, even euthanasia for aggressive dogs, is better than these dogs remaining with abusive people who force them to fight with other dogs and expose the poor dogs to constant violence and abuse.

It is very important that institutions such as the KFVA and the MAFDR, but also the municipalities, engage in awareness campaigns to promote the responsible keeping of dogs, and on the other hand, to provide the necessary infrastructure for the housing of dogs that have a vital need for housing, to leave an abusive life, while law-enforcement bodies such as the Police, the Prosecutor’s Office and the Courts, have to be uncompromising in punishing people who mistreat animals, but also make sure that such people do not keep animals in the future.

Full verdict: