Ever since the first reports on this case, our organization has taken legal action to address the illegally smuggled lion in Kosovo.
We have received official information, for the establishment of a working group to review this case, consisting of the Ministry of Environment, officials of KVFA and “Pylli i Arinjve – Bear Sanctuary” – as representatives of the organization “Four Paws” in Kosovo.
Following the criminal complaint filed by our organization, the competent authorities have imposed a temporary measure for confiscation of the lion. Our institutions, in the absence of infrastructure and the will to make a solution as soon as possible for this issue, have left the confiscated lion to the smuggler, to continue using the lion for commercial purposes.
The Basic Prosecution in Gjilan has done its job with great professionalism, for which we thank them. Following the filing of the criminal report by the Basic Prosecution in Gjilan, the relevant bodies were ordered to confiscate the lion. This, so far, has not yet happened.
The transport of wildlife, such as the lion, is regulated by the CITES convention, which Kosovo has not ratified (with as much information as we have now). So, it is said that without the ratification of this convention it is impossible for the lion to be transported directly from Kosovo to any other country. Some other international organizations, however, do not think the convention should be a problem. We will analyze this better.
We are aware that the world organization “Four Paws” will deal with the lion in question, to send the lion to one of the centers in Europe where there would be dignified treatment.
On the other hand, according to the instructions of the commission in question, regular visits had to be made to the lion, to assess his state of health. This had to be done by KVFA. Nol Kabashi was the responsible official, part of the commission of the Ministry of Environment. But the latter, for all these months, has not made any visit and the lion shouts like crazy from all kinds of problem he may have. Although, it should be noted that in Kosovo there are no qualified people to provide professional expertise for the health of wild or exotic animals (lion), so the engagement of experts from the Four Paws in Kosovo should be primary.
The lack of will of state officials to stop the illegal and cruel keeping of an animal is very disturbing, ignoring the welfare of the animal and disregarding the orders of law enforcement.
Lion cries are a call for all of us to mobilize and raise our voices even louder for wildlife in general, but also for the wild lion that is ignored by all.

Prishtina, 05 August, 2020